STEPHANIE Srl is the owner of the domain name The site is in entirety, as well as its components (in particular texts, structure, animated items, photographs, illustrations, drawings, graphic representations, products, etc.), creative works protected by articles of the Italian Intellectual Property Code (Decree Law no. 30/2005 – The Industrial Property Code and Copyright Law no. 633/1941).

The Site and its components are the sole property of STEPHANIE Srl, the sole party authorised to exercise intellectual property and related personality rights in particular brand, models, copyright and image rights as the originator or through a formal authorization or license.

Use of all or part of the site, in particular by means of downloading, reproduction, transmission, representation or circulation for purposes other than personal and private use with a non-commercial aim by the internet user, is strictly prohibited. The party liable for infringement of the above shall be liable to penalties stipulated in both the Italian intellectual property law with regard, in particular, to copyright infringement and brand rights and the Italian Civil Code with regard to general liability.

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Any and all sites with hypertext links to the site or to any one of its components shall not be under the control of STEPHANIE Srl. STEPHANIE Srl formally declines any liability (in particular with regard to editorial content) concerning access to, and the contents of, such sites.